Member Benefits

Chamber membership is an investment in your business, your brand, and the community where you do business. The Tyler Area Chamber of Commerce offers several opportunities for your business to be involved.
Good Reasons to Be a Part of Your Chamber
Customer Referrals – Our information desk and staff recommend only Chamber members to the thousands of inquiries each year. You are also listed on the Chamber website for the thousands of inquires each year.
Chamber Publications – The Chamber publishes and distributes a number of in-house publications. In this way the Chamber keeps all members informed of events and items of interest to the business community. The Chamber newsletter also publishes all new members and their ribbon cutting pictures.
Networking – Offers many opportunities for members to network: luncheons, breakfasts and Business After Hours mixers expose you to an average of 150 face to face introductions at each event. Annual special events such as the golf tournament, annual banquet, and the Senior Expo offer you even more opportunities to network. There is always an event coming up - check out our calendar.
Political Clout – Each member is important to our elected officials, but you are only one. When the Chamber goes to the Capitol or has officials come to the Chamber you are a part of 2000 voices speaking with authority on issues such as legislation, transportation and education.
The Internet as a Business Resource – The Chamber maintains a searchable listing of its members on the internet. Members are able to enhance this listing in several ways.
Business Expo – Our annual Business Expo allows the opportunity to show off you, your company and your products to over 5000 interested visitors that attend this event.
Chamber Committees – Serve on Chamber committees to meet fellow business leaders, improve economic development, promote tourism, monitor government at all levels, and ensure quality education and more. Find out more about committees here.
Tax Deduction – The Chamber serves as an advocate organization for area businesses. Therefore, membership investments are deductible as a business expense.
Chamber Investment – Investment in the Chamber of Commerce provides: economic growth, maintains business in Tyler, community growth and helps to promote new business and employment in Tyler.